Maya Angelou states Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind.”

Rihem Ben Saad
1 min readMar 24, 2021

I am kind and I’ m honest.

In our futures we should be honest and kind .

Honesty is important in our life and we should be kind with the other people. Hhonesty and the kind maked our life easy facilitate for exemple to get some thing like a job, friends, relationship the communication with others even your parents.

When someone needs help and you can do something to him just do it, be human. But sometimes we be silly with some special people, we don’t care for something not important for me.

You must be kind and honest in order to achieve your goals, and to have good relationships with people surrounding you.

Be yourself.

So Be Silly, Life is too short to be worried about status, to keep up appearances, or put on airs.

Be Honest, Embrace the mistakes, be willing to improve, and laugh at yourself when appropriate.

So we will all need the benefit of the doubt in the future, we will all need to rely on the kindness of strangers at some point, and it’s a beautiful way to live.

